Fun in the Sun™ Grandiflora Rose
Big, fragrant roses the color of peach daquiriFun in the Sun™ Grandiflora Rose
Big, fragrant roses the color of peach daquiri
Fun in the Sun Grandiflora Rose shines in a juicy peach shade that matches its sweet, fruity scent. This new Grandiflora, straight from one of our favorite hybridizers, maintains its color all season, inviting butterflies and other pollinators to the garden. Fun in the Sun pairs classic English-style form with a color sure to remind you of a sweet mixed drink on a beach or patio! True to its name, Fun in the Sun performs well in full light. Water it early in the day to keeps its leaves and foliage looking good. Add this sunny Grandiflora to your border or cutting garden today! Rosa cv. 'WEKpupmobalip' PPAF
- Zone 4-10
- Height 40 - 54 inches
- Bloom Time Late spring to fall
- Light Requirements Full Sun, Partial Shade
- Ship As 3 GALLON POT
Availability: Out of Stock
Price1 for $69.99
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