Husker Red Penstemon
A butterfly and hummingbird beaconHusker Red Penstemon
A butterfly and hummingbird beacon
What is penstemon? It may just be your new favorite sun-loving perennial. Sometimes called beards-tongue or foxglove beardtongue, penstemon grows tall panicles of two-lipped, tubular flowers that welcome pollinators and can survive tough conditions and harsh winters. Husker Red Penstemon is one of our very favorites, thanks to its red tones that attract hummingbirds from all around the neighborhood. Growing two to three feet tall, this variety is a beautiful naturalizer and a win for the middle of the bed or border. Husker Red Penstemon is an award-winning native cultivar with maroon-toned leaves and attractive white-to-pink flowers that appear in mid-spring and last through early summer. Pollinators can't resist these plants, but deer tend to shy away from them!
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