Idol Bearded Iris
Big, bold flowers on towering stemsIdol Bearded Iris
Big, bold flowers on towering stems
An iris with a bit of glam rock attitude, Idol Bearded Iris isn't soon to be forgotten. The falls, or lower petals, are large and jammy-purple, and the standards, or upper petals, shine in golden apricot. Each fall features a bright orange-red, fuzzy beard that adds even more appeal! Idol German Iris stands head and shoulders above the rest of your garden, reaching a mature height of over three feet. Plant in the back of the bed for a flower that truly elevates the height and beauty of your garden. This is a perennial you simply can't ignore, and you'll love its vigorous growing habit and easy-to-please care needs. Deer resistant too.
- Zone 4-9
- Height 38 inches
- Bloom Time Early midseason flowering (Mid to late spring)
- Light Requirements Full Sun, Partial Shade
- Ship As #1 RHIZOME
Availability: In Stock
Price1 for $14.99
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