Winter Plum Double Hellebore
Frosty-plum Lenten Rose in an extra-large sizeWinter Plum Double Hellebore
Frosty-plum Lenten Rose in an extra-large size
Kick off the growing season with a gorgeous Lenten Rose that's larger than life. Winter Plum Double Hellebore is an extra-large variety, producing dozens of sturdy stems and tons of large, multi-layered flowers. These plants have the same classic look of delicate, woodland-style hellebores, and appear in late winter, but on a larger scale. Each maroon-to-purple flower features at least two layers of petals, and a sweet, frosty jewel tone that transitions nicely from winter to spring. Winter Plum is simply stunning in a unique arrangement and is perfect for any shady location. Deer tend to avoid.
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